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FIGHTING AL SHABAB IN KENYA: There’s no alternative to the Police

It is likely Kenya’s fight against al Shabab, the ‘Somali’ terror group, is running in fits and jumps. For one; is al Shabab still a ‘Somali’ terror group? Media reports have it that the #GarissaAttack was led by a young Kenyan lawyer. That Kenyan component in the brutal attack that left 148 dead is disturbing.  It means al Shabab has been recruiting locally and has gone as far as recruiting the best minds in Kenya. The Interior Ministry recently issued a ten day amnesty to all Kenyan youth who have been trained by al Shabab. It is not clear how many but the frequency of attacks suggests the local collaborators are many.   Some have suggested that Kenya’s long border with Somalia is to blame for the ease of attacks. It is also to blame for the ease with which Kenyan youth cross into Somalia for terror training. The government is building a 700 kilometre wall to keep intruders out. Just how the wall will stop the radicalisation of Kenyan youth remains a mystery....

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